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Our Christian Values

At Salcombe Church of England Primary, we believe that a core set of values can help play a pivotal role in shaping the ethos of our school and our Christian identity. We use our values to help children develop their character, self-belief and feel a sense of purpose.

Our values are used to celebrate successes and guide children with their choices, behaviour and learning.

Our core values are:

  • Service
  • Aspiration
  • Integrity and
  • Love

Our Aims are:

  • To provide a Christian environment, which develops the children’s spiritual understanding
  • To offer pupils a broad and balanced curriculum, which facilitates the development of knowledge, skills and understanding
  • To develop every pupil’s self-esteem through promoting self-discipline so that each individual achieves his or her true potential
  • To develop the children’s creative abilities enabling them to have enquiring flexible minds
  • To develop the children’s social, moral and cultural understanding with an awareness and celebration of the multicultural world in which we live
  • To develop an aptitude for lifelong learning throughout the whole school community

Theological underpinning of our Christian Vision and Distinctiveness
